
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Joker (film 2019)

Joker adalah film cerita seru psikologis Amerika Serikat tahun 2019 yang disutradarai oleh Todd Phillips dan diproduseri oleh Todd Philips, Bradley Cooper, dan Emma Tillinger Koskoff.

Joker ditayangkan secara perdana di Festival Film Venesia pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2019[4] serta ditayangkan di Amerika Serikat pada 4 Oktober 2019 dan Indonesia dua hari sebelumnya. Joker adalah film laga hidup pertama Batman yang mendapatkan klasifikasi R dari Motion Picture Association of America karena kekerasan berdarah yang kuat, perilaku mengganggu, bahasa dan gambar seksual singkat.

Pada 1981, Arthur Fleck, seorang badut yang berusia 40 tahun tinggal bersama ibunya, Penny di Kota Gotham yang kacau balau. Dia menderita kelainan otak yang menyebabkan dia tertawa pada waktu yang tidak tepat dan dia sering mengunjungi pekerja layanan sosial untuk mendapatkan obatnya. Setelah sekelompok anak jalanan mencuri papan milik Arthur dan mengeroyokinya di lorong, salah seorang rekan kerjanya meminjamkan pistol sebagai alat perlindungan diri. Suatu saat, penyakitnya kambuh ketika ia sedang menaiki kereta api, sehingga Sophie keheranan dengan tingkahnya dan Arthur memberikan sebuah kartu untuk menjawab keheranannya. Arthur kemudian menjalin hubungan baik dengannya, yang kemudian baru disadarinya bahwa Sophie tinggal di apartemen yang sama dengannya.

Selama kunjungan ke rumah sakit anak-anak, pistol Arthur terjatuh dari sakunya, sehingga ia dipecat dari pekerjaannya. Arthur juga mengetahui bahwa program layanan sosial ditutup, sehingga dia tidak memiliki cara untuk mendapatkan obat. Dalam perjalanan pulang menggunakan kereta bawah tanah, Arthur dirundung oleh tiga pebisnis muda Wall Street, sehingga ia menembak mati ketiganya dengan pistol yang ia pinjam itu. Arthur tidak menyadari pembunuhan itu akan memulai gerakan unjuk rasa terhadap orang kaya di kota itu dengan menggunakan topeng badut. Beberapa hari sebelumnya, Thomas Wayne mencalonkan dirinya sebagai wali kota karena merasa resah dengan kekacauan di kota itu yang tidak kunjung berhenti.

Sophie menghadiri acara lawakan tunggal Arthur yang berlangsung sangat buruk. Arthur tertawa tak terkendali dan kesulitan menyampaikan kelakarnya. Seorang pembawa acara gelar wicara populer, Murray Franklin, menayangkan video itu secara langsung sebagai ejekan. Arthur mencuri surat yang ibunya tulis kepada Thomas Wayne yang merupakan salah satu orang terpandang di kota itu dan menemukan dirinya adalah putra tidak sah Wayne. Dia memaki-maki ibunya karena merahasiakan ini darinya dan tak lama setelah itu, Penny jatuh sakit sehingga dirawat di rumah sakit. Arthur juga dilecehkan oleh dua detektif yang curiga dengan keterlibatannya dalam penembakan kereta bawah tanah, tetapi ia menyangkalnya.

Keadaan kota menjadi semakin kacau dengan pengunjuk rasa yang tumpah ruah di mana-mana. Ketika para pengunjuk rasa mulai berkelahi dengan petugas keamanan, Arthur menyelinap ke sebuah gedung tempat sebuah acara khusus untuk tokoh ternama dihelat. Arthur berjumpa dengan Thomas Wayne dan mempertanyakan status dirinya dengan Thomas. Thomas mengatakan bahwa Penny gila dan bahkan bukan ibu kandung Arthur, sembari menampar Arthur setelahnya. Arthur mengunjungi Rumah Sakit Arkham untuk mencari tahu akan kebenaran perkataan Thomas. Arthur mencuri berkas kasus Penny dan menemukan bahwa dia memang diadopsi setelah ditinggalkan ketika bayi. Dia juga mengetahui bahwa Penny berlaku kasar kepadanya ketika dia masih kecil, termasuk trauma kepala yang serius yang mengakibatkan tawa patologisnya. Arthur kembali ke rumah sakit dan langsung menutup kepala ibunya dengan bantal hingga tewas kehabisan udara. Dia kembali ke gedung apartemennya dan memasuki kamar Sophie. Sophie kaget dengan kehadirannya dan memintanya pergi. Arthur kemudian menyadari bahwa pengalamannya dengan Sophie hanyalah ilusi.

Seorang pegawai dari acara Murray Franklin menelepon dan meminta Arthur untuk tampil di acara itu. Arthur setuju dan berencana bunuh diri di acara itu. Saat ia bersolek dan mengenakan pakaiannya, ia yang memegang gunting kecil dikunjungi oleh dua rekan kerja lama yang ingin memberikan belasungkawa atas kematian ibunya. Arthur malah menusuk leher dan mata salah seorang di antaranya dengan gunting itu, lalu membenturkan kepalanya berkali-kali hingga tewas saat itu juga. Arthur membiarkan salah satu yang lain tetap hidup karena kebaikan kepadanya pada masa lalu. Dalam perjalanan ke studio, ia dikejar oleh dua detektif ke sebuah kereta yang penuh dengan pengunjuk rasa badut. Salah satu detektif secara tidak sengaja menembak mati seorang pengunjuk rasa, sehingga pengunjuk rasa lain mulai mengeroyoki kedua detektif itu hingga kritis, dan Arthur melarikan diri dari kegaduhan itu.

Sebelum acara itu dimulai, Arthur meminta Murray memperkenalkannya sebagai Joker, sebuah olok-olok Murray beberapa waktu yang lalu terhadapnya. Acara itu berlangsung dengan lancar seperti biasanya, tetapi Arthur malah terus-menerus mengakui pembunuhan di kereta bawah tanah itu dan mempertanyakan kemunafikan masyarakat yang menyanjung ketiga pemuda itu sembari merendahkannya, dengan menyebut masyarakat lebih memilih menginjak mayatnya di jalan raya alih-alih menguburkannya secara layak. Murray berusaha menenangkan suasana, tetapi Arthur tidak menggubrisnya. Arthur langsung menembak mati Murray tepat di kepalanya saat itu juga, sehingga banyak penonton yang lari ketakutan dan ia ditangkap polisi karenanya. Dalam perjalanan ke kantor polisi, Arthur melihat Gotham sedang dirundung kekacauan oleh pengunjuk rasa. Satu di antara pengunjuk rasa mengejar keluarga Wayne hingga ke sebuah lorong dan menembak mati Thomas serta Martha, sehingga Bruce hanya bisa terpaku dengan keadaan itu sembari menangisi kepergian orang tuanya. Mobil yang ditumpangi Arthur ditabrak ambulans yang dikemudikan sejumlah pengunjuk rasa, sehingga kedua polisi di mobil itu tewas, sementara Arthur selamat dengan sejumlah luka di tubuhnya. Mereka langsung menyelamatkan Arthur saat itu juga dan membaringkannya di sebuah mobil. Arthur tersadar dan bangkit dari siumannya, sehingga pengunjuk rasa merayakannya dengan penuh gegap gempita, yang ditanggapi dengan tarian Arthur.

Beberapa waktu kemudian, Arthur diinterogasi oleh seorang pekerja sosial di Rumah Sakit Arkham dan tertawa terpingkal-pingkal. Ketika ditanya, Arthur hanya mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak akan mengerti. Arthur angkat kaki dari tempat itu dengan meninggalkan jejak berdarah dari sepatunya.

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Thursday, August 22, 2019

10 Heroes Can Defeated Superman

10 Heroes Everyone Forgets Defeated Superman
by Daniel Lobato  – on Aug 20, 2019  in Lists

Superman is undoubtedly one of the strongest superheroes in comics. Thanks to Earth’s yellow sun, the Man of Steel has a wide array of formidable abilities. He’s nearly invulnerable, he can fly, he’s got super strength (he’s strong enough to bench press the weight of Earth), super speed, cold breath, and heat vision, to name a few. That’s not to say that he is unbeatable.

As strong as he is, the Man of Steel has been defeated on more than one occasion, and sometimes by his fellow heroes. Sure, everyone remembers Batman’s beat-down of Superman in The Dark Knight Returns, but there are quite a few heroes who’ve laid the smack-down on the Man of Steel that you might have forgotten. Here are 10 heroes everyone forgets defeated Superman.


When people talk about Batman beating Superman in The Dark Knight Returns, they often forget to mention the Green Arrow. Even though he doesn’t have any superpowers, Oliver Queen uses his skills as a marksman and his many trick arrows to fight alongside the other more supernaturally-gifted heroes, and he played a pivotal role in the Dark Knight’s fight against Superman.

Even with Superman weakened from a nuclear explosion, Bruce still couldn’t gain the upper hand against the Man of Steel. That is, until Oliver shoots a kryptonite-tipped arrow to further weaken Superman and allow Bruce to gain the upper hand, and for that, the Green Arrow deserves a mention on this list.


Comic book fans have been comparing the heroes from the DC Comics and Marvel universes to each other for about as long as these characters have existed, so it’s no surprise that the DC and Marvel heroes have faced off in crossovers on a few occasions. But these crossovers are seldom talked about, even though one such crossover had the Justice League pitted against the Avengers and saw the Man of Steel being defeated by Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

In the final battle between the Justice League and Avengers, Superman faced off against Thor and defeated the God of Thunder, though it left Superman in a weakened state. That didn’t sit well with the Avengers so Iron Man, She-Hulk, Vision, Hercules, and Wonder Man attacked Superman together and managed to defeat him.


Barry Allen is the Fastest Man Alive…or is he? Because Superman also has super speed, fans have argued for years about whether The Flash or Superman could beat the other in a test of speed. The two heroes have raced through the years, but people often forget that in The Flash: Rebirth, the Flash won.

While Superman won all their previous races, Flash reveals that he had been holding back the entire time because the races were for charity. When the Flash holds nothing back, he’s able to leave Superman in the dust. Even with the debate settled, though, fans still argue about who the faster hero is.


Everyone knows Superman’s greatest weakness is kryptonite, but one of his lesser known weaknesses is magic, something Shazam has in spades. Billy Batson was granted the gifts of ancient gods by a wizard, giving him powers on par with Superman, but the magical nature of his powers gives him a leg up over Superman.
In Kingdom Come, Shazam strikes Superman with repeated magical lightning bolts, bringing the Man of Steel to near-death. Superman manages to end the fight before Shazam can kill him, but the damage was done and Shazam walked away the victor.


Aquaman gets a bad rap. He isn’t taken seriously and has been the butt of so many jokes over the years. He’s widely considered a mostly useless hero who talks to fish, but in actuality, Aquaman is one of the strongest members of the Justice League. Nowhere is that more evident than in Throne of Atlantis, which centers on Ocean Master, who had become king of Atlantis, going to war with the surface world.

Aquaman’s loyalty is torn between the Justice League and his half-brother. Aquaman ends up having to fight the Justice League and is able to hold them all off. While Wonder Woman was the one to finally stop him, Aquaman manages to keep Superman at bay, and even sends him flying with a powerful punch. While it’s not a complete defeat, it deserves a spot on this list and more people need to know about it.


Ridiculous looking Astro-Harness aside, Orion, one of the New Gods, is yet another hero that defeated Superman that no one brings up. Even though he’s a son of Darkseid, Orion has rejected his father and dedicated his life for good. However, that doesn’t mean that Orion hasn’t butted heads with other heroes.

Orion has faced off against Superman and came out on top, with surprising ease. The New God has strength on par with Superman, but it wasn’t his brawn that brought down the Man of Steel. Orion fired just one beam from his Astro-Harness at Superman, but it was enough to knock him out and send him falling back down to Earth.


Hawkman is not exactly someone you want to mess with, but compared to Superman, his strength doesn’t even come close. Even so, the Thanagarian warrior has a few tricks—or mace, in this case—up his sleeve that allow him to deliver a healthy dose of smack-down to the Man of Steel.

In the Injustice Gods Among Us comic, Hawkman is tasked with delivering a rock of kryptonite to Batman, but he instead infuses his mace with it. Armed with the kryptonite mace, Hawkman defeats Superman with ease, and had it not been for the Flash’s intervention, Hawkman would have certainly killed Superman.


Etrigan the Demon doesn’t usually tussle with DC’s A-list heroes but when he does, he doesn’t mess around. Such was the case in the rhyming demon’s fight against Superman. People usually forget that Etrigan was able to defeat Superman with just one hit.

Believing the demon to have nefarious intent, the Man of Steel tries to stop Etrigan without caring to know his true plans. Not wanting to waste time battling Superman, Etrigan hits Superman up into the atmosphere with a single uppercut. It’s not often you see a lesser known DC hero defeat the Man of Steel in one hit, yet people always forget it.


Everyone talks about Superman being the strongest hero, but what about his cousin? Supergirl is just as Kryptonian as him but people don’t bring up her strength as often as she should. Superman is typically portrayed as stronger and having more experience, but that doesn’t mean Supergirl can’t stand toe-to-toe with her cousin.

When Kara arrived on Earth in the New 52, she was greeted with a full-grown man claiming to be her cousin Kal-El. Since from her point of view Kal-El should still have been an infant, Kara believed him to be lying and attacked. Though they eventually cleared up the confusion, Supergirl did give Superman a good beating.


Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman, is one of the most well-known heroes in comics. She’s the princess of Themyscira, she’s one of DC’s Big Three, and she’s a highly skilled warrior. People usually view Superman as being the stronger of the two, but let’s not forget that Wonder Woman has defeated Superman several times.

In Wonder Woman #219, Superman is tricked into thinking Wonder Woman was Doomsday and had killed Lois Lane. Superman doesn’t hold back and attacks her relentlessly. She held back at first but seeing no other option, fights Superman with all her strength and beats him by slicing his throat open with her tiara (he lived).

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